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Eshop -> SHELL RIMULA - Nákladní motorové -> RIMULA R6 -> SHELL RIMULA R6 ME 5W-30 (E4/228.5) 209 L

  • Název: SHELL RIMULA R6 ME 5W-30 (E4/228.5) 209 L
  • Cena bez DPH za Litr: 131,00 Kč
  • Cena s DPH za Litr: 158,51 Kč
  • Balení:
  • Záruka:
  • Skladem: Ne
  • Obj. číslo: SH-55001432
  • Výrobce: Shell
  • Množství: Litr
  • POZOR! Ceny produktů nejsou vždy za Ks. Při balení 20L je nutno objednat celých 20L atd.

Další údaje

No matter how hot, cold, steep, dusty, muddy or extended your operations, you need to know that your oil will protect your engine under all conditions. 

The Energised Protection of Shell Rimula heavy-duty diesel engine oils works relentlessly in three critical areas:

  1. Acid control – well-proven performance additives help to protect against corrosion from acids formed as fuel burns.
  2. Deposit control – helps to keep the engine clean for consistent performance and long life.
  3. Wear control – keeps moving metal engine surfaces apart for long engine life.

Shell Rimula R6 ME

Shell Rimula R6 ME protects against acid/corrosion, dirt/deposits and wear

Shell Rimula R6 ME protects against acid/corrosion, dirt/deposits and wear

Shell Rimula R6 ME reacts and adapts to the changing environment in your engine to deliver energy saving fuel economy performance without compromising durability or maintenance intervals.

Protective power
Use of multifunctional dispersant additives, further activated through inclusion of synthetic technology base
oils has resulted in an oil capable of reaching the longest drain intervals of Mercedes-Benz and MAN in a fuel saving SAE 5W-30 viscosity grade*. This established technology has often been the first fill choice for some of Europe’s leading truck makers.

*compared to SAE 15W-40 grades

Shell Rimula R6 ME fuel economy performance across different vehicles and conditions

Shell Rimula R6 ME fuel economy performance across different vehicles and conditions

Energy savings
Shell has been at the forefront of the development of fuel economy lubricants. Working in our laboratories and with customers, we’ve clearly demonstrated the benefits that a properly formulated energy saving oil can bring. The chart below shows some of the savings we’ve achieved. Significant benefits typically ranging from 2% to over 4% have been measured in real on-highway service compared to conventional oils (SAE 15W-40). This can mean lower cost of operation for fleet, bus and coach operators.

Proven fuel savings
Here are some examples of the level of fuel savings that have been made using Shell Rimula R6 ME:

Shell Rimula R6 ME extended drain performance exceeds the Piston Merits pass mark of 40

Shell Rimula R6 ME extended drain performance exceeds the Piston Merits pass mark of 40

Maintenance savings
Shell Rimula R6 ME meets the long drain laboratory requirements of Mercedes-Benz and MAN approvals.

Extended drain performance:in conjunction with a major fleet we have demonstrated in real-world operations that Shell Rimula R6 ME can exceed the piston deposit protection required by Mercedes-Benz at drain intervals of more than double the maximum normally approved*.

*Always consult your vehicle maker or dealer before extending drain intervals.

Specifications and approvals
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
ACEA: E4; API: CF; Daf HP-1/2; MAN: 3277; MB Approval: 228.5; MTU: Category 3; Volvo: VDS-2.

Should you use Shell Rimula R6 ME?
Shell Rimula R6 ME is suitable for use in modern high performance engines including turbocharged,
inter-cooled units. With demonstrated performance in on-highway haulage and public transportation applications, it’s an excellent choice for truck and bus operators wishing to control fuel and maintenance costs.

For enhanced performance and protection of the latest low emission engines, especially those fitted with exhaust diesel particulate traps (DPF), we recommend the use of our advanced low-emissions products: Shell Rimula R6 LM or LME.



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