Letecké plastické mazivo pro použití všude tam, kde se lze setkat s obtížnými provozními podmínkami, jako v ložiskách s vysokým zatížením, vysokými rychlostmi nebo širokým rozsahem provozních teplot. Obsahuje syntetický olej a nemá být používáno ve styku s neslučitelnými těsnicími materiály.
AeroShell Grease 22 is a versatile advanced general purpose grease
composed of a synthetic hydrocarbon oil thickened with Microgel®, with
outstanding performance characteristics. Appropriate additives are included
to achieve the necessary oxidation and corrosion resistance, anti-wear
properties and load carrying properties.
The useful operating temperature range is –65°C to +204°C.
AeroShell Grease 22 is especially recommended for use wherever severe
operating conditions are encountered as in high bearing loads, high
speeds, wide operating temperature range, and particularly where long
grease retention and high resistance to water washout are required.
The wide range of applications include aircraft wheel bearings, engine
accessories, control systems, actuators, screw-jacks, servo mechanisms and
electric motors, helicopter rotor bearings, instruments, airframe lubrication,
hinge pins, static joints, landing gears.
AeroShell Grease 22 contains a synthetic hydrocarbon oil and should not
be used in contact with incompatible seal materials. Refer to the General
Notes at the front of this section for further information.